Remains of Job Scam Victim Who Died in Myanmar Brought Home for Burial Today


The remains of Muhammad Izzat Abdul Wahab, who was tricked by a job scam syndicate before he died in Myanmar on Oct 14, will arrive in Malaysia today.

Izzat, 28, died due to breathing difficulties while at an immigration centre in Tachileik, Myanmar  two days after he was rescued by a non-governmental organisation(NGO).

Izzat’s brother Muhammad Hasmalizam, 45, who returned from Myanmar yesterday, said the remains will be flown out from the Yangon International Airport at 11.25am(1pm Malaysia time) today.

“The remains will arrive at KLIA (Kuala Lumpur International Airport) at about 3.50pm. The body will be transported in a hearse to Peramu mosque here for solat jenazah (funeral prayers) and buried at Kampung Peramu in Tanjung Lumpur.

“My family members who travelled to Myanmar on Dec 20 to claim Izzat’s body and collect his post mortem report returned to Malaysia yesterday….we could not change the flight tickets which had been booked before we went to Myanmar last week. We will go to KLIA today to claim Izzat’s body,” he said when contacted.

Meanwhile, Hasmalizam said the family have decided not to request for a second post-mortem examination when the body arrives in Malaysia today.

“We had initially decided to perform a second post-mortem examination in Malaysia but will not proceed with the plans. Based on the post-mortem examination report in Yangon, Izzat died due to breathing difficulties.

“The family is satisfied with the autopsy report as the entire process was closely monitored by the Malaysian embassy in Myanmar,” he said.

In the incident,  Izzat had befriended an individual on social media who sponsored his flight tickets from Kuantan to Thailand on Oct 7. He was promised cash to travel to Bangkok for three days to collect vehicle spare parts.

Izzat died while in detention at the immigration centre on Oct 14 after he was rescued by an NGO who handed him to the Myanmar immigration.

His wife Nurul Diyana Mohd Shukri, 27, learnt about his death after she received a telephone call at about 11pm on Oct 14 from a man claiming to be representing a NGO based in Malaysia, who informed her about Izzat’s death due to issues with his heart.
