Muda May Suffer Same Fate as Pejuang, Says Zahid

BALI, 10 Ogos -- Timbalan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi semasa sidang media bersama pengamal media Malaysia sempena Mesyuarat Antarabangsa bagi Memerangi Keganasan: Pergerakan Rentas Sempadan oleh Pengganas hari ini. Mesyuarat itu bertujuan meningkatkan lagi kerjasama antarabangsa dalam menangani peningkatan ancaman keganasan khususnya pergerakan pengganas rentas sempadan. --fotoBERNAMA (2016) HAK CIPTA TERPELIHARA

Muda could suffer same fate Pejuang did in GE15 in the ongoing polls in six states, says Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

“Syed Saddiq is a leader of a party who may face the same fate as the party which had fielded candidates in GE15 and then lost all of their deposits, said the Umno president on the 20 state seats Muda is contesting, similar to what happened to Pejuang during last year’s national polls.

“He can say whatever he wants but what’s important is that youths need sufficient allocations to carry out activities, whether at district, state or national level,” said the Umno president during a press conference at the Umno building here on Saturday (July 29).

Earlier, Syed Saddiq on Twitter claimed that Ahmad Zahid was “normalising corruption” by announcing an allocation of RM250,000 to the Terengganu Youth Council and RM200,000 to motorcycle teams throughout the state.

Asked if the unity government would retract recently-announced allocations should it lose in certain states, Ahmad Zahid, who is also Deputy Prime Minister, said that would be impossible.

“This is not a cruel government that doesn’t fulfil its promises,” he said.

Commenting on the newly-formed political party for Orang Asli, Ahmad Zahid, who is also Barisan Nasional chairman, said attempts to divide the community should not be entertained.

“The party is sponsored by our opponents. The government through the Orang Asli Department (Jakoa) is doing its best to ensure development to the community.

“Don’t destroy the aspirations of the Orang Asli who want development. We must put them in the front line together with other ethnicities in the country,” he added.