Malaysia to Become Global Halal Market Leader by 2025


The government aims to make Malaysia a leader in the international halal market, with an export value of RM63.1 billion by 2025. 

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said the industry’s next step will be to become a leader in the “halal toyyiban” market, namely products that comply with shariah parameters and are well-natured. 

“Efforts to hone talent, coordination among stakeholders, increased market access, as well as the adoption of technology and digitalisation of ‘halal toyyiban’ products and services will be enhanced in line with the Halal Industry Master Plan 2030,” Anwar said when tabling the 12th Malaysia Plan’s (12MP) Mid-Term Review (MTR) in the Dewan Rakyat on Monday.

“[We will] focus [on] products such as pharmaceuticals, medical devices and Muslim fashion (modest fashion) with high-added value, and which provide high-income employment opportunities,” he added. 

Further development of Malaysia’s strong halal market is one of the industry segments targeted in the government’s quest to reform the nation’s economy. 

The Dewan Rakyat is currently sitting for a six-day special sitting focused on the tabling of the 12MP MTR. 

The MTR was carried out to evaluate the achievements of the five-year plan in its first two years (2021-2022) and the direction for the next three years (2023-2025) towards achieving a sustainable, prosperous, and high-income nation, taking into account current domestic challenges and global trends. 

Source: The Edge Malaysia