Off for border controls to Slovakia


In the night from Sunday to Monday, the controls at the Austrian-Slovakian border ended again. They had previously been introduced in late September in response to Czech-Slovak border controls.
The Ministry of the Interior always argued the border controls on the Slovakian-Austrian border with the approach of the Czech Republic, with which they wanted to act in unison. At the end of September 2022, the Czech Republic introduced border controls with Slovakia because, according to the responsible authorities, the number of illegal migrants apprehended there had risen sharply. Austria then followed suit “to prevent the smuggling mafia from moving into Austrian territory,” according to the Austrian Ministry of the Interior. Slovakia could not understand the actions of the two countries. According to the Ministry of the Interior, 24 people smugglers were arrested during border controls.

Change of strategy at the border with Slovakia

With the end of the static border controls, the Austrian police will now also adapt their strategy in the area near the border to Slovakia and switch to mobile controls, the Ministry of the Interior explained in a broadcast. According to this, the new measures should apply from February 6, 2023, in particular in the districts of Gänserndorf, Bruck/Leitha and in the Kittsee area. According to the ministry, both priority campaigns and mixed strips are planned here. Drones should also be used.

Karner: A quick reaction is possible

The development of the situation in the border area can be closely monitored by the mobile operation teams and, if necessary, a quick reaction can be taken, explained Interior Minister Gerhard Karner (ÖVP) in view of the realignment on the Austrian-Slovakian border.

source: meinbezirk