France: a family of nine migrants found in the trailer of a truck


An Iranian family with two children aged 8 and 11 was rescued in northern France by firefighters after being found in the trailer of a truck that left Bulgaria.

The Iranian family of nine, including two children, was hiding in the trailer of a truck that had left Bulgaria. She was rescued on Sunday February 5 by firefighters in a parking lot in Labourse, located near Béthune in northern France, local radio France Bleu reports .

The two children aged 8 and 11 and seven adults had hidden under a tarpaulin. These people were temporarily accommodated in a room lent by the town hall of Labourse.

In recent months, there have been many arrests of smugglers transporting migrants by truck and van in France, particularly in the border region with Italy.

Thus, on December 30, 33 exiles, mainly Afghans and Indians, were intercepted in Avançon by the gendarmerie . Their driver, who had fled, was finally arrested on January 10 in the Paris region.

At the beginning of January, 29 people, declaring themselves of Indian nationality, were discovered in a truck on the A6 motorway in Burgundy. The emergency services immediately brought them “care, drinks and food”.

A dangerous mode of transport

Transports of irregular migrants in trucks are common across Europe. However, this method of travel is extremely dangerous. In these containers, people risk dying of suffocation and hypothermia. The risks are multiplied when it comes to a refrigerated truck.

In 2019, the bodies of 39 Vietnamese migrants were found, piled into a refrigerated lorry in east London . They had boarded the day before, near Dunkirk, then the truck had taken a boat for the United Kingdom from the port of Zeebrugge in Belgium. They died of heat and asphyxiation.

source: infomigrants