Emomali Rahmon Congratulated the Elected President of Vietnam


 President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon sent a telegram of congratulations to the elected President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Vo Van Thuong the day before, on March 6.

According to the press service of the head of state, the congratulatory telegram reads, in particular: “I sincerely congratulate you on your election as President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

I wish you good health and success in your activities in this responsible state post, and peace, stability, well-being and continuous prosperity to the friendly Vietnamese people.

Our countries are united by long-standing traditions of friendship and relations of mutually beneficial cooperation.

We are optimistic about the prospects for Tajik-Vietnamese relations and are always interested in their development and strengthening in all areas of mutual interest.

I express the hope that through joint efforts the interstate cooperation between our countries will continue to develop, enriched with new content.

For our part, we are ready to take all the necessary measures to effectively use the existing opportunities in this direction and continue the constructive interstate dialogue between our countries at the highest and high levels.”

Source Avesta