Sarawak Senator Moots Voluntary Military Service for Jobless Youths

The federal government should consider implementing a voluntary military service programme for unemployed youths to serve the country, says Senator Datuk Ahmad Ibrahim.

He said with the rising unemployment rate around the world including Malaysia, the government must think of a solution to address the issue.

“One of the solutions they could consider is implementing a voluntary military service programme for unemployed youths to take up for a two-year period, at minimum wage.

“Upon completion, they could then seek to work in the public or private sector or even in law enforcement such as joining the police force,” he said in a statement.

He pointed out the unemployed youths who sign up for the programme, be it school leavers or graduates, would then be trained into disciplined individuals who are critical thinkers.

“It is good that we discipline our youths and give them exposure. When they are disciplined by the army, they will think of loyalty to the country and the King. They will love the nation, country and the people.

“This programme would also integrate the youths together so that they would be more open-minded,” he said.

Ahmad also called for ministries such as the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Human Resources and Ministry of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives to work together in identifying sectors that are in need of manpower.

“The Ministry of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives can think of which sectors are in need of employees, and then inform the Ministry of Education which in turn can specifically design programmes to reeducate or reskill them.

“The Ministry of Human Resources will then find ways to support (the effort) and all three (ministries) should work together and focus on tacklingthe unemployment rate in the country,” he said.

He said the government must be realistic on the matter, as he fears that if it is left unaddressed, the unemployed youths might revolt.

“We are not just talking about votes during the election but we are talking about people rioting because they are hungry and unemployed.

“All it needs is a spark — and before that is ignited, we have to take the necessary action to create an avenue for them to find employment,” he stressed. 

Source: Malay Mail
